Monday, May 27, 2013

Due Date Predictions!

I'd like to first say, to those of you who have me going past my due date you are cruel and we are no longer friends.  For those of you who have me going before my due date, I love you, I love you, I love you.  Here are the current standings:
     June 6th - Alicia P.
     June 10th - Elizabeth B.
     June 12th - Kev
     June 13th - Uncle Karl R.
     June 15th - Aunt Sis R.
     June 16th - Me and Jen Z.
     June 17th - Mal M.
     June 18th - Jason R.
     June 19th - Jocelyn R., Mary Lewis P.
     June 20th - JJ K.
     June 22nd - Brandi C., Karen F.
     June 23rd - Lauren M., Sean C., Grandma F., Aunt Betsy
     June 24th - Lauren R., Kate H., Kevin (Grandpa)
     June 25th - Gina M., Aunt Peg
     June 26th - Gram
     June 27th - Aunt Moe
     June 28th - Mom

We had another regular check up on Tuesday.  Until the baby is born I now go to the doctor's twice a week to be hooked up to a stress test monitor to check Baby L's heart rate.  Gestational diabetes can put some stress on the placenta which can transfer to the baby and can cause stillbirth.  Mostly, this stress is caused by not taking care of your diabetes.  I reassure all of you I've been following my diet and checking my blood sugar as I should.  I will postpone all gorging of sweets until after he's born. The doctor said that his heart rate and movement were excellent on both Tuesday and Thursday!

I promise the unveiling of the finished room will be in the next blog.  We have officially ordered the last pieces to his room and we're waiting for them to arrive.  Once the shelf is here we can put up his Scrabble letters, baseball mitt and baseball.  I have to say, it's looking pretty awesome, however I am a bit biased being that I was the creator of it!

We successfully put together the stroller this past weekend.  If you can figure out how to put a stroller together, then I think you can raise a child.  Sweet.  Jesus.  I would love to meet the person who writes instructions, are they engineers from a different country?  I'm sure it all makes sense in their mechanical brains.  Thankfully, for the time being it's the last piece that needed to be assembled.  Kev also put the car seat in my SUV so we are ready for this babe to come home from the hospital!  That too was another task that had Kevin workin up a sweat.

Is this for me?  But I like to walk! 

Okay, these pictures were too adorable to not share.  Vedder LOVES to lay out on the porch and watch people (and dogs) walk by and bark at them.  The other day he decided the view from the table was MUCH better so jumped up and made him self comfy.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Fifth/First Mother's Day

I had a lovely Mother's Day but let me clarify something for poor Vedder.  I've been celebrating Mother's Day for 5 years now.  Just because our furry child was adopted does not mean that I am not a mother to him and he is offended that people just now recognize me as a mom-to-be, (although I was a tad bit more spoiled this year due to the fact that I am pregnant with his little brother.)  Kev made my first Mother's Day with a human baby (due soon) special.  He apparently was listening to me talk about a necklace that I loved from work and surprised me with it Sunday.    

Kev and I were very successful on our hunt for art for the nursery.  After struggling to find things online that we liked (and weren't a fortune) I had a brilliant idea to go to Hobby Lobby.  I was promptly scolded by Kev for never taking him there and not only did we find what we wanted in mass quantities we actually had to pick what we had room for and what we needed.  It also happened to be our lucky day and there was a 50% off all art sale!  We left feeling like we hit the lotto; now our next project is to hang all these treasures!

Alright folks, we're getting down to the final count down.  I'm taking a little poll, when do you think Baby Freaney will make his grand debut?  His official due date is June 20/21st (for some reason we've always been given two days for his due date, I just choose to go with the 20th because it was one less day I have to think about being pregnant.)  Pick a date, let me know when you think he'll be here and I'll compile a list and we can see who the big winner is.  I'll post everyone's choices on the next blog so you can keep track of who you're in competition with.

Kev has called June 12th.  
I'm calling June 16th.  

I was really hoping to not have to be one of those unlucky few whose finger no longer allow her to wear her wedding rings.  I am now officially ringless, 34 weeks pregnant, and being that I was carded to buy a lotto ticket the other day, a camera crew away from thinking I'm another knocked up teenager on 16 and Pregnant. Not only am I feeling like I have conceived a child out of wedlock, my hand feels so naked without my sparkly baubles!  I'm on a mission to now find at least a fun silver band to wear so I don't feel so naked (and reassure people I am married.)

Now that I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy I wanted to give someone very deserving a very special shout out in the blog.  I am incredibly lucky to not only have married my best friend, but someone who is kind, caring and considerate.  I can only hope that Baby Freaney turns out to be half as wonderful as his father.  As you've probably picked up throughout the blog I don't particularly love being pregnant and having a husband who has been so patient and will listen to me moan and groan without ever getting annoyed, always puts me and my needs first, and will go out of his way to not only make me feel beautiful (in my giant state) but like I'm the most special person in the world has made all the difference.  Although I won't miss being pregnant, I will miss this special treatment I have been getting.

I find that my new Mother's Day necklace detracts attention from my other accessory, the ever growing baby bump. 

We clearly had to test the Baby Bjorn out with the dog.  Up next: the stroller.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Club Uterus

I had my follow up appointment for my gestational diabetes this past Friday, and I got two thumbs up.  What was supposed to be a 30 minute appointment, was only 5 minutes.  The front desk lady said she's never seen anyone come out of there so fast! All of my blood sugar readings were well below what they could be and because of that I can continue on the original diet and meal plan!  I've got the diet portion down pat, but the weekend eating is still proving to be difficult, especially when going to parties where I can't control what's going to be served.  It's a lot of planning ahead and being prepared, which thankfully is one of my strengths!

My regular doctor's appointment was on Tuesday and I got two thumbs up.  The doctor said that everything looked great, my blood pressure, the baby's heart beat and my fundal measurement.   And thanks to my diabetes diet, I am down a pound from the last visit.  My first question, of course was is it okay that I'm loosing weight at this point and not gaining?  And he said absolutely!  Maybe I've changed my mind about this diabeetus.  I'll pop this babe out and be ready for the runway!  I think I hear Victoria's Secret calling my phone right now...  

Kev and I were able to cross another thing off our dwindling to do list.  We visited the hospital where in a few short weeks Baby Freaney will be born!  It was definitely a good idea to visit it before we went into labor and had NO earthly idea of where the hell to go and what to do.  Not that we couldn't figure it out, but when you're in full on panic mode because someone is ready to make his grand appearance the last thing you want to do is wonder where to park the car and check in.  We also got to see a delivery room and a room where we'd be staying after the delivery.  We even got to see some newborns in the nursery all wrapped up like burritos, which made the two of us even more anxious to meet our little guy!

I went today to have another ultrasound to see if Baby Freaney has flipped.  Thankfully he is head down and in position to make his entrance!  The doctor said everything looked incredibly healthy and now because of the diet the baby's weight is starting to even out with where it should be.  No more 15 pound baby for this lady!  We'll go back one more time for an ultrasound in 3 weeks to just check his weight and position.

I'm still feeling good.  This babe is becoming VERY active in "Club Uterus."  He and his little dance parties need to take it down a level. I'm experiencing the usual blahs of the third trimester.  It's getting harder and harder to bend over, get out of bed, sit up, and by the end of the day I'm usually worn out from caring this free loader around.  But other than that all is well!  

This weekend's goal is to find some art for this babe's bedroom.  All we have thus far is the scrabble letters, which if I were a baby, would find quite boring to look at.  We're not trying to go super baby in his room, we're thinking more vintage so that once again he can grow into what's already there.  Until of course he's in middle school and too cool for what we picked out and he's hanging band posters in his room (like his father did in college, of creepy looking bands.)  We have some places in mind to check out, fingers crossed we find something!

This getting ready for a baby is exhausting.  

Getting ready to head out to a Derby party.  Looking ever so stylish in our hats.  

I'll be here before you know it!