To say it's been an insane past few week is an understatement! It's brought lot of emotions, little sleep and a whole new life! So please excuse all the spelling and typos!
Last Monday morning Kev and I went to the doctor's to have my cervix checked. I still had yet to make any progress. We were sent home with instructions to wait for the hospital to call and give us a time to come in and have the medicine inserted to begin the process to prep my cervix for birth. Kev and I both made the mistake to think that we would be going into the hospital late evening and would have all day. While across town having our last relaxing lunch we got the call to from the hospital that we would need to be checked in, in 2 hours. To say we were frantic is an understatement. By 6:00 Monday evening, meds were in and we were forced to watching bad reruns of TV and try to find ways to get comfortable on those luxurious hospital beds.
Tuesday morning the doctor came and checked to see if the medicine had worked, it had helped a little but not nearly as much as they were hoping. We started the second round of labor inducing drugs, pitocin and to speed things along the good doc broke my water. Soon after my contractions began to get worse and worse, for once I put my stubbornness aside and asked for some pain meds. The first round of meds they give you before the epidural made me feel flat out drunk. The loopy meds unfortunately don't last long and a few hours later I was practically screaming for an epidural. God bless the women who opt for no meds.
Around 2:00, right before my epidural the doctor checked my cervix to see if I was dilated and how much progress I'd made. When checking my cervix the doctor's could feel the baby. Where they should have felt something hard, the head, they felt something soft and squishy like lips. After getting an ultrasound they confirmed that Landon was a face presentation baby. They wanted to wait another hour to see if he would correct himself and if not then we'd have to move forward with a c-section. The nurses and I joked that this babe was coming into the world with something so important to say that his lips were coming out first. Landon opted to stay face first and so we had to move forward with the c-section.
At 3:30 we were taken to the OR and by 4:12 a sweet baby was born. As soon as he was taken out of his cozy comfy home, we heard Landon loud and clear, screaming all bloody hell. Immediately we were told not be alarmed, that because Landon was face presentation he was very very swollen in the face and within a couple days it would all go down.
My favorite moment in the OR, and probably on of my favorites of all time, was when they cleaned his screaming body off, and walked him over so that we could see and hold him. As soon as he was placed in Kevin's arms he stopped crying and started started cooing, he knew right off the bat that Kev was his daddy and was comforted by his touch. It was really was one of the most touching moments of my life.
Kev followed Landon to the recovery room while I was finished being put back together again (as I write this it sounds like humpty dumpty.) It gets kinda boring after awhile so I decided to strike up a convo while I was being reassembled and sewn up, one of the questions if I was officially diabetes free. The answer was of course yes. Another was how many babies my doctor has delivered, and the answer to that is almost 4,000. No, we would not have gotten a prize had we been lucky number 4,000.
After Landon was checked once again (he got a 10 on his apcar score, a perfect which is rarely given) we were escorted to our final room! Where shortly after we were greeted by Landon's first visitors! No, we may not have family here but we sure do have some hell of some friends. It was quite the birthday party for this little guy in that room!
Our stay in the hospital was fine. I can say that by Friday we were both (maybe all 3) going stir crazy. I was practically clawing my way out and I told the nurse that if they didn't check me out I was escaping one way or another.
Now we're home. We're still trying to catch up on everything around the house. Usually I could get all this stuff down within a solid hour or two but between my restriction from the c-section and this adorable blue eyed distraction it's making things difficult.
Friday night, our first night home was rather rough. We apparently were not feeding Landon enough (because I'm breast feeding we had no idea how little he was actually getting to eat) and boy did we pay the consequences of that. He was up all night screaming and the only way we could get him to sleep was by putting him on one of our chests. So, we took 2 hour intervals with the babe and boy were we all cranky that night. Once we realized how little he was actually getting we started supplementing with more formula and we have a whole new baby!
I know every one's question is... how is Vedder. He is by far way better with Landon than we could ever hope for. He seems to already be protective of him, a couple times last night I could see on the baby monitor that he had gone into his room and looked into his crib. He usually will go in with the person feeding Landon and sit at their feet waiting to go back to bed and making sure he's okay. He's incredibly patient with not only us but with the babe.
Before I get to the good part, pictures, I want to say thank you to all the amazingly wonderful people who we have in our lives. Landon is so lucky to have each and everyone of you. You have no idea how much it meant for you to not only come meet this incredibly special baby of ours, but to support us and think of us in a time where you need friends the most. The meals, the treats, the gifts they will forever be a special part of the birth of our son. We cannot thank you enough. For those of you far away, we love the support via text, phone calls and emails. Your kind words, thoughts, and much needed advice at times help keep us sane.
To my dear and loving husband. I never thought that I could possibly love you more than I already did and the second I saw you hold that beautiful baby of ours my heart grew ten sizes. You were far more than I could have ever asked for during this delivery and I cannot thank you enough for you support, and care. You put Landon and my needs before your own without a question. I am so lucky to have you as my partner in this new journey.
Someone did not like the car ride home...
Go Tribe!
Love those giant blue eyes!
Brotherly love
Tummy time