I've created a monster!!!!! For those of you fellow Atlantans, you know how terrible traffic is here. For those of you who aren't, be thankful. Because the crazy rush hour traffic begins at 3:00, I can't just run errands when ever I please. So, couple errands with trying to work around a baby's nap schedule and you've limited your time as to when you can get out of the house. With all this being said, we run all errands in the morning. Someone, who shall remain nameless has become very accustomed to being on the go in the morning and if we aren't on the move… there is hell to pay. We tried every usual calming method, the swing, the vibrating chair. Nothing worked. So, I tried something that I thought would never work... I put him in his crib for a nap, and wouldn't ya know! Someone feel asleep after a few minutes of crying! This has since created problems with our afternoon nap, I'm sure it'll all sort it's self out in due time...
Kev's celebrated his 32nd birthday on the 17th, (he's really lucky to be married to such a young, spring chicken. A lady in her 20's, he's really robbing the cradle!) Although his day at work was less than savory, I think the boys and I made up for it in some fantastic presents and a nice dinner out to his favorite restaurant, Murphys. I was a bit nervous as to how our little ball of joy would behave in a nicer restaurant, and I'm thankful to report he was better behaved than the small children at the table next to ours!
Seven months! We're on the downward slope of year one. Thanks to the addictive website, pintrest, I have already began plotting out Landon's party... Yikes.
We're still introducing new baby food flavors to Landon, some of our favorites so far are peas, squash, and carrots. Besides the baby food, we've began offer Landon small pieces of bananas, pears or sweet potato while Kevin and I eat dinner. He's been slow to warm up to the concept of "real" food, and by slow I mean he makes these over dramatic gagging sounds and usually forcefully spits out the piece of food. As of the past few days, he's moved on from spitting food at us, to putting the food on the left side of his mouth and "chewing" it and eventually swallowing it. This has only been successful with bananas and sweet potatoes.
I don't want carrotttttsssss
For as uninterested as he is in trying to eat solid food, he's equally interested from drinking from cups. Everything that has one open top- an open box, a toy with an open top,
anything with an open top is a "cup." I told Kevin about this earlier, how babies place objects into categories that they know. For example, because we have a dog, Landon will assume everything furry with four legs is a dog- cats, tigers, bears, etc. (I'm brushing the cobwebs off the things I learned in college… hey, at least my college education isn't going completely to waste!) Well, in this house, everything is a cup, and Landon is just SURE that all these "cups" have liquid in them. Since the doctor said it was okay to let Landon have small amounts of water, we've introduced a cup with water to him and he LOVES it. Most of the water doesn't actually makes it down the hatch, but he thinks it's cool who are we to deprive him!

Kevin and I tried a couple of little adventures with Landon, and I can hardly say they went off without a hitch. In fact, I'm sure this child thought we'd lost our damn minds. Our first "adventure" was to take Landon to the small playground in the park next to our house. We thought, surely this child will LOVE to swing. He loves to jump and swing around in his jump-a-roo, this is going to be amazing. It was a big, fat, flop. He gave us a stern look of irritation and we promptly scooped him up out of the swing before we ventured into full on meltdown. His brother didn't help the situation by barking at him as he swung past.
Get me out of this thing!
Adventure number two was the bathtub. Landon loves to splish and splash around in the tub we thought surely he's going to love to "swim" around. So, my ingenious idea was to fill up the big tub with water and have Kevin put on his swing trunks and play with Landon in the tub. He acted as if nothing was new and he wasn't in a giant tub with his dad. I, personally, think it would have gone much better had Kevin let me fill the tub up with more water. I also think I imagined the tub to be much larger than it actually is. This child probably thinks we've absolutely lost our minds.
We have our first "word." Landon decided that he didn't want to be Switzerland and instead of saying mama or dada, went with good ol' baba. Maybe he's just also a fatty that likes to eat. He just loves to randomly start screaming BABABABABA. It gives us quite the chuckle. We're starting to test out "gaga." Hasn't caught on just yet though. I'm sure the next word will be "mama." It sure would be a great thing to rub into Kev's face. ;)
Is it baseball season yet?
Daddy had a late night meeting one Friday, so Landon and I went out on a date...
Apparently he doesn't have any table manors.
Brotherly love.
Mom, I swear, I think I can catch him.
I. Love. Blocks.
Put me in coach!
My favorite chew toy is a lotion bottle. Oh, and I like dog toys on my head.
Celebrity meltdown.
I'm not getting into mischief!
Baby mix me a drink. Most hilarious book ever.
Laundry baskets double as a hilarious baby jail.
I'm going to get youuuuu....