I think the word "blog" has been written in my agenda, every day, for the past three weeks. It was starting to daunt me. So here I am with my handy writing companion, a glass of wine, (oh yeah, and my computer) writing the blog that has been on my mind forever.
I was thinking about my blogs a year ago, Landon changed so much so quickly in the matter of a few weeks. Each blog had some super exciting new piece of information. He grows so much still, don't get me wrong, every day he's learned 5 new words and he's changed in some way. It's just more subtle, translation, it doesn't make as an exciting of a blog. Because of that I'll try to keep the words brief, and the pictures plentiful, the pictures are everyone's favorite part anyway.
Landon clearly takes note of how we take care of him, and it's adorable to watch him care for his beloved Jellycats. His favorite one to care for is "BIG Jellycat."
"Diaper? Diaper?" We often like to put our animals in diapers.
Reading his best Jellycats books.
PSA: Don't leave your phone alone with a toddler, he'll take selfies on it. A lot of them.
Will it ever get old, going into your child's room and watching them peacefully sleep? I mean it's the best, they look so sweet, adorable, peaceful. (AKA they're not making a mess, throwing a tantrum, getting into mischief...)
When the cat's away... the mice will play. Or more like, when the cat's at home with Uncle Jonathan, the mice will play.
One of Kevin's best friends had the best idea ever, to get married in Temcula, California. We were fortunate enough to have a very sweet brother who volunteered to come watch is nephew. Kevin and I got some MUCH needed adult time, going around to vineyards with great friends, drinking an obscene amount of wine.
The view from our first vineyard on Saturday.
CLEARLY, we're having fun... too much.
The view from the wedding was like no other. Amazing.
Meanwhile... Back in Georgia
I KNEW the day would come, the day in which I would run a half marathon in the rain. But seriously, did it HAVE to be the one I trained for the least amount, the one that is 75 percent up hill? My running buddy and I were troopers though, but the after picture never happened. Probably because I was so soaked that I was so focused on a hot shower and dry clothes.
(My favorite medal... and not just because it was the most earned.)
My mom came to visit during her spring break and Landon had the BEST time with Grandma... Kevin and I did too :)
Group selfie!
Kevin and I are dorks, and we dye Easter eggs every year. This was the first year that we could dye eggs with Landon and he LOVED it, like REALLY loved it.
Watching Grandma to figure out what to do.
LOVING his dyed eggs.
Yeahhhhh for Easter eggs.
Watching the digger with Grandma. He did not want to be put down. "Up, up!"
But after we were ok with being put down, we decided to run around the park with our pants down, and our hand down our diaper. He's clearly learning this from someone... and it ain't me. (cough, cough, Kevin.)
We registered to walk the Brookhaven's (the part of Atlanta we live in) 1k. Landon walked (most of it at least...) and we'd like to think he's taking after his mom in the races.
Walking the race course... doesn't matter that we were in dead last. (Please not he doesn't take after me in being dead last... I can proudly say I don't finish last)
They waited for us to cross the finish line, cutest damn thing ever.
The park we live on had an Easter egg hunt. At first Landon was completely unsure of what was going on, however, you'll notice the look of determination that slowly creeps over his face.
Who doesn't hunt Easter eggs without his bunny?
Ok, so let me get this straight. You HATED Santa, the jolly HUMAN, in a red suit. BUT you LOVE the creepy person in the Easter bunny suit. Yup, makes total sense.
The bunny came!
"Motorcycle!" AKA Landon's word for any bike of any sort. Yup, it's the only "motorcycle" you'll ever put your ass on... ever.
Playing in the bubble machine the bunny brought him.
So often when we travel to Ohio we don't get to spend a lot of quality time with any person, because much of it is spent traveling from one person to the next, trying to fit in every person possible. So because of that we love when people come to us because we actually get to have quality time! We were thrilled when Uncle Mike, Christine and Lincoln came down for a visit. We had the best time showing them the city we loved, and having time with them all to ourselves.
Little boys and puddles. If that doesn't put a smile on your face then nothing will.
Of course we accidendlty picked the busiest day to go to the zoo. The boys loved it, probably as much as they loved their matching shirts.
"Oh, hey, that shirt looks good on you." "You too man."
The aquarium is a must for all visitors.
When two small humans, have too much fun.
Landon with his favorite gal, Emelia. Oh, and his soon to be best friend, Georgie.
He has his father's genes, the good and the bad. In this case, the bad... lotto ticket obsession.
Seriously, he doesn't love froyo... no, not at all. Like don't even offer it to him!
And what blog would be complete without puppy pictues?!?! Especially since Vedder will be EIGHT on Sunday!
Brotherly love.
Not my little baby any more!
Seriously... the puppy. He can melt your heart faster than a popsicle on a July summer night in Georgia.