We've been to 4 doctors appointments since we've found out we are pregnant and everything is progressing as it should. We have a very healthy baby! We look forward to each visit and can't wait to see that babe up on the ultrasound screen or hear it's little heart beat a mile a minute. It's really crazy to think another human is growing inside of you!
Baby is due June 20th/21st. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and will be 16 weeks this Friday (January 4th)
This was the last ultrasound we had, at 12 weeks. The doctor is 90% sure that baby Freaney is a BOY! His direct quote on the matter was "He keeps flashing his wiener!" Let's hope the flashing of the body parts end after birth.
I have been feeling pretty good since the end of my first trimester. I am slowly learning that I can't do as much as I used to without feeling awful the next day. Long gone are the days of doing 10,000 things in a day!
My cravings have since disappeared. No more dinners of kraft mac and cheese (the shapes of course) or trips out to Fox Brothers for ribs. I can pretty much eat like a normal person. I still avoid fried foods, they don't sit well with me, which is fine. It's been helping me stay healthy, and not pack on the pounds.
Our next doctor appointment is on January 8th, for our 16 week screening. I'll be sure to post an update after the appointment with pictures to follow!
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