Thursday, August 29, 2013

Puppy Kisses and Dancing Feet

We have a tiny dancer folks.  Give that boys some dancing shoes and his feet won't stop.  We took Landon's love of kicking his feet, added a foot piano and some foot rattles and he's a seriously happy camper.  He'll kick one of the keys, smile in delight and then continue kicking until he's worn himself out.  We all win, it's hilarious to watch and he's happy and tired!  

Playing mommy a song on his piano.

This would be after some serious play time on our mat with the foot rattles.  He just passed out in the middle of play time.  

I think since the letters the boys have worked out their differences and they are in a much better place.  Yesterday we seemed to make some serious headway on the puppy front.  Vedder rolled over and let Landon pet his belly and head.  Which he then followed up by giving Landon several kisses on his face.  We have decided that Vedder secretly loves him.  I'll let you be the judge by the pictures... 

The boys enjoying a little story time together. 

Relaxing after a serious dance party.

Morning piano play time. 

Landon lovingly looking at Vedder.  

Ok, this photo might have been forced.  

This was all on Vedder's own.  It's enough to melt anyone's heart. 

We have the most adorable little girl that lives across the street, and she loves Landon (although Vedder would be glad to know that she probably loves him even more.)  She likes to come over to see the baby, and watch Vedder go up and down the stairs.  She wanted to read Landon a book on her most recent visit, it's quite possibly one of the cutest pictures ever.  

He's already got the ladies swooning over him.  I don't blame them.  

Covering him up.  

Here are a few of my other latest favorite pictures!  I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!  I think our phones are running out of space, we might need to get one's with a bigger memory! 

The laundry had to be put on hold, this was far more important. 

Tummy time in our PJs

Yes mom?

We love, love, love being this little man's parents.  Every smile, coo and snuggle is ten times better than the late nights out at the bars, and believe me, I never thought I'd say that! ;) 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Vedder's Response

Dear Baby Brother,

Look here, before you I was king of this castle for 6 years, do you hear me?  6 YEARS.  All of a sudden you come barging in this house and take over and quite frankly, I don't appreciate it.

You have officially taken over my walks with that giant contraption that you have to ride in.  I mean, are you seriously that lazy that you can't walk?  It's great exercise, and with the way that mom and dad call you a porker it sounds like you could use to burn some calories.  Just saying... Oh, and if your contraption runs my paw over one more time, I'm going to puncture a hole in the tire, so get it together.

I am a person who enjoys my sleep.  That means, when you cry and make mom get out of bed, you're not only interrupting my enjoyable snuggle time, you're waking me up.  I am exhausted from these shenanigans of yours.  We like to sleep in this house, and if you can't get it together I'm going to be sending you back to where you came from.

I don't know if you haven't noticed, but we share in this house.  Mom shares her food, Dad shares his food, I'd share my food (I've offered, but no one seems to want it, shame.)  However, you seem to share with no one.  You don't share that stuff you drink, you don't share your toys, you don't share your crate.  Nothing.  How is that a way to go through life?  Never sharing?  It's good manors to share.

I really dislike the fart noise, and I'm not sure what's going on in your bum region, but I hear a lot of that noise coming from there.  Seriously, it's not polite to make that noise, so maybe you could also work on that.  Mom should just enroll you in a class about manors.  You seem to have a lot to learn.

I'll give ya the crying, only because I have a serious barking problem.  It's my only way of communicating so I guess I can understand.  Maybe if you just stepped it down a level or two, you can't always get what you want you know.  Now when I bark too much I get sprayed with water, so I'd be careful if I were you...

Now, if by chance, you are able to get yourself together I'll be happy to show you the ropes around this place.  Like, they keep all the good stuff in the pantry.  So if you kick the door, and maybe give it a bark or two they'll give you a treat.  Sometimes you have to eat all your food before you get a treat.  Or go potty outside.  Which, I can teach you that too.  Maybe if you're lucky I can teach you how to lift your leg.  Also, if you want to snuggle, Mom's the better snuggler.  Dad tosses and turns too much, plus he snores which gets a bit annoying.  If you give them the most adorable face ever, they usually cave into giving you what ever you want, but try and save it for the really good stuff.

I really love Mom and Dad, so I'm willing to give this thing a shot since apparently you came from them.  In the meantime, I'll except bribes in the form of belly rubs, new toys, treats and walks.  Just for future reference.

Sincerely, (I'm not sure I'm ready to drop the L word with you...)
Your Puppy Brother  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wizzing By

I always felt that the older I got, the faster time went by.  Add a baby to the mix and I'm not sure where the days go!  I can't believe that Landon is already 2 months old, time, slowwwwww downnnnn!!!

Monday we took Landon for his two month check up.  I have to admit Kev and I were a bit nervous about our little porkers weight.  This boy can EAT.  We were happy when the doctor assured us that no, our baby was not in the ranks of childhood obesity.  Landon came in at 12 pounds 6 ounces, which put him in the 67th percentile for his weight.  He measured in at 23.5 inches (although Kev and I both think she measured a bit wrong and he's closer to 24 inches) which puts him in the 71th percentile.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have a healthy, growing boy!

As most of you know, the 2 month checkup comes with the dreadful 2 month shots...  I think that Kev and I wanted to cry more than he did.  He cried for the first shot, and the second and third he could have cared less.  I couldn't even watch her stab those shots into his little chunky legs.  Poor guy.  Landon was pretty fussy at his bedtime feeding, but after we were able to get some Tylenol in him he happily ate his food and proceeded to sleep like a champ, until 4:00.  The longest he's ever slept at night.  I, of course, woke up at 3:00 worried about him and went in to his room to check that he was still breathing!

Landon's new favorite thing is to tell us stories while he's getting his diaper changed.  He has all sorts of coos, gurgles and chatters.  I could listen to his little stories all day long.  It's the favorite part of my day.

He has also figured out that instead of a pacifier, he has these handy appendages that could also be used for sucking.  However, he hasn't quite mastered the skill of only putting his thumb into his mouth.  Occasionally he'll find it, however it's mostly him shoving his whole fist into his mouth and trying to suck.  Lucky for us, that slobbery hand usually finds our face and clothes.  

Aunt Moe and Aunt Peg came for the weekend to meet the little guy, and I think it's safe to say they were smitten.  Since we have switched climates with Seattle we had awful weather the entire weekend, but we made the best of it! Along with them came one of Kevin's favorite childhood memories... Doggie.  He came out of hibernation to meet the next Freaney babe! The jury is still out on Landon's thoughts on him.

Kev has been reunited with doggie! 


Can you find the baby?  

Someone found their thumb! 

Happy cowboy!!  (One of my favorite pictures of him)

He's a genius, not that any of us would doubt he would be with the parents he has! 

Yes mom, can I help you?

Ceiling fans!  (I now go into places and look at the ceiliing fan and think, oh Landon would love to look at this fan.  I think our child has a problem.)  

I love puppies!

Tummy time is so much more fun when I'm naked on my fluffy blanket.  

Being a puppy brother deserves a nap.

Slumber party part two.

Protecting his brother.

Vedder hurt his paw on our walk, so he hitched a ride in his brothers stroller.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Letter to Vedder

My Dear Vedder,

I know things in the house are a bit crazy lately and thank you so much for being such a trooper. I promise things will eventually be less chaotic. In the meantime I hope my letter eases your mind.  

Yes, I know he cries, a lot. I'm sorry that sometimes there isn't much daddy and I can do to console him. Unfortunately we can't give him a treat from the pantry to make him feel better, I know it works that way for you, and believe me I wished it worked that way for him too.

I'm so sorry that he always leaves the house with us, while you have to stay home. I know you feel a little left out, however if I were you I'd bask in the glory of having your brother gone and the house nice and peaceful. Take a nap, enjoy some quite people watching out the windows, chew on a good bully stick, all with the luxury of not being interrupted. Believe me, daddy and I would love to do the same thing.  (Maybe not the bully stick one though...) 

I'm sorry you think every time the water goes on in Landon's bathroom that you are the unfortunate one being cleaned. I know you feel your brothers pain when he's crying in the tub. I do believe its the only time you truly relate to him.  You should try coming into the bathroom during his bath time to see it's not you we're after, you might even enjoy watching him being "tortured" in the tub.  

I love that your so willing to share your toys with Landon and you try so hard to get him to play with you. He hasn't quite gotten the whole playing fetch with you down yet, I promise we'll work on that.  I'll have daddy work on that "trick" here soon. I know it's hard for you to understand why if you're so willing to share your toys why he can't share his. Unfortunately you aren't very gentle with your toys and Landon would be pretty sad if you tore the stuffing out of his favorite stuffed doggie.  I'm sure one day he'll share though, and you two can create a war zone of toys.  

No, Landon will not share his food with you. I am not pumping enough milk for you too. You're 6. You've advanced to a diet of solids now. I do however apologize in advance, because once he starts crawling I'm sure he'll find your food bowl rather intriguing. Although, you hate your food so I'm sure you'll just let him chow down, all while thinking "suckaaaa."  I'm assuming after you watch him eat your dry, bland pellets, you'll kick the pantry and pretend it was you so you could get a treat.  And just wait, once he's old enough to eat Cheerios, and solid foods, I'm sure he'll find it rather hilarious to toss you a few bites, or his whole tray of food, which you will delight in.  

Yes your brother always has to come on walks with us. There are these people called social workers, and if we leave him at home to go on a leisurely walk, mommy will be locked in a crate for a long time.  I know you understand not wanting to be locked in a crate for a long period of time.  Plus, I'm the one who always caves into giving you bites off my plate, and we all know you don't want that to stop.  

I know these past couple months have been not your favorite. Hang in there little guy. I promise you one day you're going to love that little boy more than anything, and you are going to be his entire universe. I promise he'll insist on you sleeping with him at night to scare off the monsters under his bed, that you make an excellent horse when playing cowboys, that it's essential you ride around the park in his wagon and he'll cry uncontrollably when we have to leave you at Grandma Jill's for a vacation. So I know it's tough now little guy, but hang in there. I promise it'll all be worth it.

We all love you so much,
Mom, Dad, and Landon

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me!

I'm feeling old... I'm 29, my last official year in my 20's.  I'm married, own a house, and had a baby.  Since when did adulthood sneak up on me?  Wasn't it just yesterday I was turning 19 about to head into my sophomore year of college, or 21 enjoying my first alcoholic beverage?  Hey, I'll even take 25, newly married and able to rent a car!  Besides feeling old, I'm feeling incredibly blessed.  I could have never imagine what my life would be like at age 29 had you asked me 10 years ago, but I can tell you I could have never dreamed up this wonderful, wonderful thing I call life.  I'm ready for the adventures my last year youthful year has for me!

I had a wonderful time celebrating my birthday with Landon for the first time.  Of course he, Vedder and Kev made sure I was spoiled.  Landon is sending me to the spa on Saturday to be pampered, which I highly look forward to.  He also made sure Dad picked up a few extra gifts for me as well.  And as our Atlanta tradition, since the first time we've lived here, we went to La Paz for dinner to top the day off.  I am one lucky lady to have 3 sweet boys who spoil me!

I love a cold beer... (No, his lips are not on the glass, just excellent photography skills.)

He was not content in his car seat, he had to be at the table with us. 

We all knew I was certifiably crazy, but I proved it this past Saturday.  I have not run since October.  Between feeling sick in the first trimester, the extreme exhaustion and just plan old feeling uncomfortable when running I haven't laced up my shoes and pounded the pavement.  So clearly, when you haven't run for nearly a year the normal thing to do is to run a 5k, 5 days after the doctor gave me the ok to exercise.  I have to admit I was pretty nervous.  I thought there was no way I would be able to jog more than 5 minutes at a time.  If that.  Not to brag on myself, but I jogged all but about a quarter of a mile, which in my defense was a massive hill.  So between a good friend pushing me along the course, the need to dash from paint being thrown at you and being with hundreds and hundreds of other runners, this gal has gotten her running grove back.



Enough about me, I know you all don't read this blog to hear me ramble on about myself.

Landon is doing great!  At precisely 6 weeks we hit a fussy few days.  I will admit, Kev and I were pulling out our hair and couldn't understand how we were making such great progress with sleep, and had such a happy baby and all of a sudden it all went out the door.  We were losing our minds!  I'm not sure what parents did before the days of google, because when you aren't sleeping at night and you're holding a crying baby the ONLY logical thing to do is to google "fussy baby at 6 weeks."  Although it didn't make Landon stop crying, it was reassuring that at week 6 through week 8 babies hit the peak of their fussiness.  Some babies it lasts a few days and some the full 2 weeks.  We were fortunate enough that we only had a few days, and we're back to our happy, sleeping babe.  Thank goodness!!

Watching Landon grow and change each day is truly amazing.  He's such a happy baby and to watch him discover something for the first time, and watch his face light up is heart warming.  There's nothing like stumbling into his room at 3:00 in the morning to feed him and you're greeted with a giant grin and a baby so happy to see you.  He loves watching things above him, his mobile, the toys on his activity mat or his all time favorite, and strangest, a good ol' ceiling fan.  He also finds himself to be quite the comedian, and will giggle before you change a poopy diaper or after he passes gas on you, or even better poops on you.  We are constantly all laughing with him.

Puppy brother is doing well!  He still pretends to be indifferent, however, at the first cry that dog will stop whatever mischief he's getting into and runs to make sure Landon is ok.

This babe is a lot of work.

Somewhat of a snuggle time.  

Singing to the babe, I'm not sure if he just really loves Florence and the Machine or if he was laughing at me singing. 

To infinity and beyond!

Those ceiling fans get me every time!

I am just stunned!

They're a snake in your boots.

You're HOW OLD mom?

Touring Sweetwater Brewery.  Breaking him in for college early.

Dancing with Dad.