Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wizzing By

I always felt that the older I got, the faster time went by.  Add a baby to the mix and I'm not sure where the days go!  I can't believe that Landon is already 2 months old, time, slowwwwww downnnnn!!!

Monday we took Landon for his two month check up.  I have to admit Kev and I were a bit nervous about our little porkers weight.  This boy can EAT.  We were happy when the doctor assured us that no, our baby was not in the ranks of childhood obesity.  Landon came in at 12 pounds 6 ounces, which put him in the 67th percentile for his weight.  He measured in at 23.5 inches (although Kev and I both think she measured a bit wrong and he's closer to 24 inches) which puts him in the 71th percentile.  Ladies and gentlemen, we have a healthy, growing boy!

As most of you know, the 2 month checkup comes with the dreadful 2 month shots...  I think that Kev and I wanted to cry more than he did.  He cried for the first shot, and the second and third he could have cared less.  I couldn't even watch her stab those shots into his little chunky legs.  Poor guy.  Landon was pretty fussy at his bedtime feeding, but after we were able to get some Tylenol in him he happily ate his food and proceeded to sleep like a champ, until 4:00.  The longest he's ever slept at night.  I, of course, woke up at 3:00 worried about him and went in to his room to check that he was still breathing!

Landon's new favorite thing is to tell us stories while he's getting his diaper changed.  He has all sorts of coos, gurgles and chatters.  I could listen to his little stories all day long.  It's the favorite part of my day.

He has also figured out that instead of a pacifier, he has these handy appendages that could also be used for sucking.  However, he hasn't quite mastered the skill of only putting his thumb into his mouth.  Occasionally he'll find it, however it's mostly him shoving his whole fist into his mouth and trying to suck.  Lucky for us, that slobbery hand usually finds our face and clothes.  

Aunt Moe and Aunt Peg came for the weekend to meet the little guy, and I think it's safe to say they were smitten.  Since we have switched climates with Seattle we had awful weather the entire weekend, but we made the best of it! Along with them came one of Kevin's favorite childhood memories... Doggie.  He came out of hibernation to meet the next Freaney babe! The jury is still out on Landon's thoughts on him.

Kev has been reunited with doggie! 


Can you find the baby?  

Someone found their thumb! 

Happy cowboy!!  (One of my favorite pictures of him)

He's a genius, not that any of us would doubt he would be with the parents he has! 

Yes mom, can I help you?

Ceiling fans!  (I now go into places and look at the ceiliing fan and think, oh Landon would love to look at this fan.  I think our child has a problem.)  

I love puppies!

Tummy time is so much more fun when I'm naked on my fluffy blanket.  

Being a puppy brother deserves a nap.

Slumber party part two.

Protecting his brother.

Vedder hurt his paw on our walk, so he hitched a ride in his brothers stroller.  

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