Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Month Full of Firsts

Where to even begin?  So much has gone on in this house since the last blog!  (Which was almost a month ago!)  It has been a month full of firsts:
The first time we've both left Landon
The first time we've been to Hawaii
The first time Landon pulled himself up to a standing position
The first time he crawled on all fours
The first haircut
The first Easter

I'm going to go easy on the text, and go heavy on the pictures to let them tell you the story of this crazy April!

Mom and Dad got to take an adults only vacation, while Aunt Katie came to care for the boys.  We were thrilled that she was able to come watch Landon for us and I know she was thrilled to come down and spend time with the boys!

Aunt Katie took Landon to hunt for Easter eggs and meet the Easter bunny!  

These two had a blast together! 


Delirious after a 3 hour delay in LA, we FINALLY arrive in Hawaii at 10:00 PM Hawaiian time.  (4:00 AM our time.) 

Morning jog to explore.  

Kev swimming in a waterfall! (The water was FREEZING, I was not so crazy to join him in the water.) 

Amazing views! 

REAL Hawaiian ice

Another morning hike around the resort. 

Our last night! 

Hawaii is a beautiful, beautiful place and we're so incredibly lucky that we were able to go, all expenses paid.  We had the best time, enjoying being responsibility free (not that we didn't miss Landon immensely) and being able to venture out to a new place!  With all that being said, I don't think we'll be visiting any time soon, it's a VERY long way to travel when you have the Caribbean a 3 hour flight away...

A certain someone turned 10 months old on the 18th!  I can't believe we're just a mere two months away from being a year old!  Where is the time going???  

Poor Landon was beginning to look like a shaggy dog with his crazy long hair, so we decided it was time to trim those luscious locks.  It was a bit sad, thinking that our little guy is growing so fast that we needed to give him a haircut.  He, needless to say by the last picture, was not happy with having his hair cut.  However, he no longer has a mullet which I hate to tell him, went out of style in the 1980s.  

The Easter Bunny came to our house!  Even puppy brother got an Easter Basket! 

Landon got to spend his first Easter brunch with Ms. Molly Ziegler, and she certainly wore him out.

His fun brunch was followed by a beautiful day at the park.  We gave the swing another chance, and he loved it round two!

Landon "helped" me dye eggs, mostly by playing with a hardboiled egg, which lead to Vedder wanting to "play" with the egg.  


We tried to recreate Landon's infant picture with Kev... didn't work out so well.  

A play date with Molly!  

Mom, you exercise, I'll just play.

Don't you pass out with a sunscreen bottle in your mouth?

Yummmm, chicken, it's what for dinner. 

Fluffy puppy.

Oh Hi!

Someone has figured out how to feed his puppy.....

Someone has realized he can see his reflection in the mirror and is giving himself kisses. 


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