To say that June was a busy month would truly be an understatement. It was an insane month. Some how we managed to fit in a 5 year anniversary, a birthday for a very special boy, family visiting and a bachelorette party. To have had no agenda this past weekend has been a treat.
If it wasn't enough to make it seem like time is flying by having our little boy turn one, lets just throw a 5 year anniversary into the mix. How in the world have Kevin and I been married for 5 years?!?! It's really one of those things where you think how has 5 years gone by, but at the same time when you sit back and think about all the things that we've had happen in 5 years, I think that's it? Only 5 years? We've moved from Boston to Atlanta, bought our first home, had a baby, and have been blessed to have been able to take many amazing trips. Our five years of marriage have truly been one blessing after another and we have cherished each one knowing we have been so fortunate- not only to have had wonderful experiences but to simply be married to your best friend.
Kev and I celebrated our anniversary at The Ritz at Lake Oconee. It's amazing resort about an hour away from the city. It was so nice to be able to spend the day laying by the pool, sipping cocktails and completely free of responsibility (thanks to Grandma Jill!) It was the perfect way to relax before the storm!
The beautiful view from our room.
The day Landon turned one, it was like going back in time. The entire day when Kev and I would look at the clock we'd think about what we were doing that precise moment in time a year ago. From having my water broke, the contractions (that was a painful memory!), to the moment he was born (and I no longer had diabetes!) and to when all of our wonderful friends came to visit and meet this tiny baby. Besides our stroll down memory lane, we spent a great day with the birthday boy. My mom flew in that day so he was able to spend it with his Grandma (in which a week of being spoiled began!)
Oh, this giant present is for me??
I think it's safe to say he loved it.
Testing out the new wheels at the food trucks!
Landon's party couldn't have been more perfect. His "little man" theme turned out fantastic, I'm not sure how I ever planned a party without the aide of pintrest! Everything from the food, to the decorations, to the desert all turned out better than I could have hoped for. I couldn't have asked for a better first birthday party for Landon. We are so fortunate that we have so many wonderful people in our lives who came out to celebrate our beautiful boy- not to mention the countless wonderful presents he received from all over the country. This baby couldn't have been more spoiled for his first birthday!
Just testing out the photo back drop!
The welcome table!
All of Landon's monthly photos!
The birthday boy!
The goody table
Ready for his cake...
Here dad... you want some?
There was no smashing into this cake... in fact he hated it.
So many presents... good thing he had Emelia there to help him out!
Photo booth sillies!
The aftermath...
Uncle JJ needed a nap while Landon tested every toy out...
He found he perfect spot in the garage for his fancy new car.
A huge thank you to my mom and sister who were my second in command for party planning the second they walked in the door, thank you so much to the two of you for all of your help! The party would not have been as big of a success without the two of you!
The birthday boy couldn't have had a better week, because the day after his party he got to go to the zoo with not only his mom and dad, but his Grandma and Grandpa and he had an absolute blast.
Our new favorite stuffed animal, Monkey had to come with us to the zoo. In his new wagon of course!
He rode the carousel for the first time and he LOVED it!
We were thankful to have a relaxing weekend at home as a family, and we were able to take full advantage of all of Landon's fun new toys!
Tunnel vision.
You know you're up to no good when you're on your tippy toes.
A family field trip to DQ on the 4th of July simply wouldn't be complete without the puppy brother!
Except I want some of yours too.
Pumping iron in my Jersey Shore style PJs.
Hey ladies... need a ride. It can be a two seater.
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