Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Here Come The Terrible Twos

Two years ago Kevin and I thought about how our social lives, and life as we knew it was going to slow to a crawl, and we would have all this ample free time to do things around the house, because clearly we'd just be housebound with a tiny human.  Two years later, I can tell you that it's certainly not the case.  In fact we have less time.  We have events to attend for Landon, we sneak in time to go on dates and hang out with our friends, and we drag along a toddler to outings and adventures.  And then, when we get home from all these said adventures, we're in bed a solid 2 hours earlier than we ever were before.  9:30 is now an acceptable bedtime.  More simply put, I cannot keep up with the craziness of our lives!  Extra time does not exist with children.  

We enjoy all our adventures and so does Landon.  Keeping in line with his parents he tends to get stir crazy if we don't make it out of the house at least once a day.  If you don't... then WATCH OUT, you're going to have a cranky, tornado of a child on your hands.  I think his motto is "What good is life if you're not out exploring?"  Thankfully our summer is chalk full of adventures, birthday parties, visitors, trips, the fun just doesn't seem to end.

I have always said I love toddlers and twos.  I think those ages are so much fun.  I however am realizing that I may enjoy it more when it isn't my child and I can ship them back off to their parents at the end of the day.  There's this new found emotion that awakens in a human at the age of two, an opinion.  An opinion on what he should wear, an opinion on what to eat, and opinion on what you can and cannot play with.  When your child realizes there are actually choices, and he's allowed a say, your life officially goes down hill and you put on 10 years to your life.  And when the inevitable moment happens when you pull the parent card, and veto said opinion... well then WATCH OUT FOLKS!  There will be a tantrum in five... four... three....   We've officially joined the ranks of the people who have to throw their child over their shoulder, kicking and screaming and remove them from a public place. So.  Much.  Fun.  I know, I know, this is normal toddler behavior, and in the grand scheme of things we aren't raising Veruca Salt.  He really is an easy, down to earth child.  But MAN, a tantrum is enough to stop time, raise your blood pressure and make you poor a yourself a drink, or two.

Landon's cruising along developmentally.  He's already started talking in 4-6 word sentences and you can usually understand most of what he says.  He's very insistent that you repeat what it is he's said to make absolute sure you're on the same page. Most days I feel like Landon's parrot.

He's become obsessed with singing his ABC's, although he's personally deemed A-G unnecessary and starts at H.  He loves to count from 1 - 12, although 6& 7 are just worthless and he tends to leave them out.  After he's finished these tasks, as most people would, he congratulates himself and says "Yeah, Good job Landon!"  

A little Friday "fun" after a dinner date with my two favorite gentlemen.

Motorcycle concentration. 

We have a little park next to our neighborhood and they recently built up an area where people could buy a plot, and grow fruits and veggies.  So we decided to chip in with the neighbors and buy a plot to show the children were the food we eat comes from!  It's probably been more fun for us then the children but they have fun too!
Wheeling our produce to the garden to plant!

Planting our food!  
What our overgrown garden looks like 6 weeks later!

A little light bed cleaning. 

Helping mom pick out a derby hat. 

Our favorite art festival!

What more could a little boy want in life than an excavator in their backyard?  

Well, we now know what Landon thinks of Mother's day!  Celebrating with the little one that calls me mom.  

We thought we'd take a nice family photo on the stairs of our home.... What we got while hilarious, was not so nice.  They're now framed and hanging up in our home. This is life in the Freaney Circus.

Just watching the planes go by.

Airplane park with two of his best friends.  

An important day in a young man's life. When his dad teaches him how to make his pasta sauce.

Watermelon Season!

Who needs mom when you've got Aunt Mallory?

A rose between three thorns.  

Sharing a Popsicle with mom, not cool.  With your friend, totally fine.

Oh, I'm sorry, is this chair not mine?

Summer vacation is clearly meant for the zoo.  

Pure, summer joy.

We recently just took family pictures, and we have fallen in love with our sneak peak.  We can't wait to see what other beautiful shots the photographer caught.  Hopefully she got some more of Landon smiling, as he was less than thrilled that we weren't at the park to look at ducks and play on the playground!  

A little Sunday, fun day.  

The sun never sets on a badass.  

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