Monday, September 23, 2013

Copy Cat

I'm 3 months old today?  You're kidding! 

That's so cool!

I can hardly believe that this little guy is 3 months old, I have no idea where time is going, and I swear each day goes by faster than the last!

I'm very happy to report we are still sleeping through the night.  Since my last report Landon has slept every night consistently from around 8:00 to about 7:30-8:00.  The best part is, he's just so darn happy when he wakes up.  Just this morning I looked at the monitor and saw him smiling in his crib by himself.  It really makes waking up in the morning, fun (I had no idea it was possible!)

Landon rolled over for the first time last week, and I'm a little angry with him over it.  We've been waiting and watching and wondering when he would roll over for the first time and he of course did it when no one was looking.  We were having our usual round of morning tummy time on his bedroom floor, and while he was giggling and smiling to himself I got up to check out what warmer clothing items he had for Ohio, to see if we needed anything.  I was looking in his closet for 2 minutes, turn around to check on him and he's lying on his back looking a bit bewildered.  I stood there, confused myself, and realized he rolled over.  Kevin was on cloud nine that I missed seeming him in action with that first roll.  He has yet to roll over again, but you can see the determination in his face when he tries.  He knows he's done it once and is just trying his darnest to do it again!  He'll be rolling all over the place before we know it!  Watch out Vedder, Landon's coming for you!  (Cue the Jaws music...)

We have a little copy cat on our hands.  Landon has started watching your mouth very intently and will try to mock and imitate things that you do.  His favorite is trying to match the purring sound we make with our voice.  It usually just comes out as a grunt or a mouthful of bubbles come out, in which he smiles and giggles over but once in awhile he'll get the noise right and he just gets over the moon about it.  He also likes to imitate you saying the letter "o" and the newest one is blowing air through your lips to make the motor boat noise.  That almost always ends up with drool all over his face and bubbles everywhere.

Besides copying noises, he's also started to copy us if you open and close your hand like a wave.  He hasn't quite gotten it down yet but he's working on it!  He'll be ready for his grand marshal parade debut before we know it!

Bath time has always been a favorite of Landon's, but we just turned up the heat with his new and improved tub.  The first phase of his tub was a little mesh sling that he sat in, and we could pour the water over him and it would drain out as it was poured.  After realizing Landon was a little squished in his sling, we took the big step to transitioning his tub to phase two (sigh, he's growing so fast!)  This has a little bar where he sits his tiny tush on and you can fill up the tub so that water is all around him.  Landon's never been submerged in water so this was all very new for him.  The first day, he was mostly bewildered at what was going on but by day two he was an old pro and had his feet kicking and splashing the water around, squealing in delight.  Who needs TV when you can just put your baby in the bathtub?

"Mom!  I'm in the tub!"

Dad dressed me, maybe mom should start leaving clothes out for him so I match. 

Oh Hey!

"Be Hoppy"

I spy a little eye...

Baby products apparently are good for puppy brothers too! 

Ready to go close some deals with dad. 

Only cool cats wear their mom's sunglasses. 

Look, my puppy's picture is on my PJs!

Two little monsters.

The bottom lip pout, it's always makes Kev and I laugh. 

I ride in style. 

Thanks to Grandma Jill, mom and dad were able to get out of the house for a concert!  We had a blast, and it was nice to be responsibility free for awhile!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

I think it's safe to say, our child is officially sleeping through the night (although I am currently banging my head on the desk, so I don't jinx it.  And as I type this I realize he is inevitably going to wake up 5 times tonight because Kev and I are going to a concert...)

Landon's been waking up in the middle of the night, playing in his crib like a happy camper.  Being a mother, I wake up to these coos and snorts and rush downstairs to get him a bottle and go feed him.  I started to wonder though (being incredibly wise as I am) if he really woke up because he was hungry or if he just woke up because he felt like he need some play time.  I had just worried that he was bound to start SCREAMING for food and by the time I got downstairs, warmed a bottle and got back upstairs to him we'd be in full melt down mood.  Being that we live in a townhouse, and even though the walls are thick I do tend to worry the neighbors are ready to kill us all in our sleep.  (Then I remember they're actually pregnant with their first child and I could just tell them to buck up, this is about to be their life...) Anyway, the past two nights I have let him enjoy his secret play time and eventually he goes back to sleep, because of that we have had to wake him up at 7:30 to feed him so that we can start our day!  I wake up and feel like a normal person and I can go for a run in the morning while it's still cool.  It's been fantastic!

The trade off for sleeping all night, has been that he has realized that during the day it is WAY more fun to play with someone opposed to by yourself.  Because of our open floor plan, in the morning I can put Landon on his activity mat and from the kitchen I have a great view of him playing and I can accomplish things.  However, now that playtime is way more fun with a friend my multitasking is coming to an end.  Who needs to unload the dishwasher when you have a smiling baby anyway?

I've finally decided it's time for me to go back to work.  There are only so many projects that I can accomplish around the house, and as we all know I'm not one to be idle.  Thankfully my boss has agreed to let me come back for 2 half days, which is absolutely perfect.  I get to be an adult and leave the house, make some money, and yet I don't have to leave Landon for a long period of time.  The scary part is we've started the daunting task to find a nanny for that time.  I'm not as scared, being that I was once a person looking to nanny but Kevin is very apprehensive.  We are fortunate enough that we can time our time on this search and not only would this person watch him during the day, but it would allow for us to have time together on the weekend and get out for the occasional date night.  We don't want to overwork Grandma Jill!

I'm officially running the Thanksgiving Day Half here in Atlanta, what better way to kick your butt back into shape than with a half marathon?  I'll be back to my prebaby weight in no time!  It's also great motivation, thinking about your little one waiting for you at the finish line with his dad, cheering you on!  I bet I have my best time yet :)  So ladies and gentlemen, let the training begin!

Kevin and I are so lucky to not only have a healthy baby, but one seriously happy camper!  We love every minute with him!!

Whooo hoooo for my activity mat!  (Although the piano is still my favorite.)

When you can't go out to dinner, why not have a date night at home? 

Don't you wonder what Vedder's thinking here? 

Vedder meets a turtle.

What are all these things above me? 

"Hey our mom's were roommates in college, wanna room at OU together?"

Best breakfast burrito in Atlanta.

Heyyyy, I slept until 7:30!

Hey, puppy brother this couch of yours is just my size, mind if I hang out?

Mobiles are the best!

Happy Baby!

Puppy brother fascination.

Our second date.  Sorry ladies, I'm taken. 

Bobcat butt

The next cover of GQ.  

Reading puppy brother a story.
Gooooo Bobcats!