Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Post of His Own

I figured we should give this baby his own blog, his brother did have multiple at this point all to himself.  I currently have what seems like an unimaginable few minutes to write.  All is calm as Landon is sleeping and the dogs are pooped from their backyard shannagins.  I promise I'll do another blog this week (or next) with house and Landon updates... but this one is for baby.

I am currently 32 weeks pregnant, which means I only have 7 weeks of being pregnant left for my entire life.  No, after this babe is born, I will not be having any more children and no, I didn't do my math incorrectly, I will be having a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks.  Landon with his hot mess of a grand debut into this world has forced our hands.  That means I only have 7 weeks left of being pregnant, ever.

This pregnancy has seemed to FLY by.  I'm not sure if it's because Landon keeps me on my toes, a different job, or maybe moving 30 weeks pregnant is why, but I suspect that it's a combination of all of the above.  It also helps that I do not have gestational diabetes this time around, THANK. GOD.  I do not know how I would have juggled that complication among everything else.

All of our appointments have been great, baby looks to be growing as he should and as healthy as can be!  At our last ultrasound he was measuring pretty large, in the 90th percentile... maybe it's a good thing I have a scheduled c-section!

Now that we've officially moved into the new house we're all settled we can FINALLY start focusing on the fact that a new resident will be living with us and getting ready for his arrival.  His beautiful furniture was delivered the day we moved in, it looks absolutely fabulous in his room (I'll post a picture once we have more components of his room like his chair, a rug and decorations.)  I spent my first spring break (yes, first, I have two) going through boxes upon boxes of Landon's old stuff that was shoved into the attic with no rhyme or reason.  I feel very proud to say that it's all properly organized, stowed and ready to go.

In the process of organizing I pulled all of Landon's old newborn and 0-3 months clothes, washed them and hung them up.  I could remember specific times Landon wore certain outfits and they all seemed to have memories attached to them.  It makes you pause for a second to realize how fast time goes by.  It makes me wonder if we'll stop to savor each moment of the newborn phase more than we did with Landon.

I'm sure you're all reading this hoping that I'll reveal the name.  The answer is no.  Yes, we have a name picked out.  No, we don't plan on telling you.  I say don't plan, because a certain tiny person will happily divulge in the name if you ask him.  Stinker.  I suspect that part of the reason that he is so happy to share is because he named his brother.  Yup, Landon picked his brother's name and there is NO changing it.  We had a list of our top four and one day asked Landon what he thought of each one.  He repeatedly went back to the same name over and over and over.  Now, if you suggest a different name he gets flat out angry with you.  It' pretty hilarious, and it's honestly a quite sweet story to think that Landon named his brother.  So there it is, the story behind his name.