Saturday, February 23, 2013

Starting to Pop!

The "three" of us meeting Mickey and Minnie for the first time. 

It has be been decided that Kevin and I were highly robbed as children by never being taken to Disney.  It really is the most magical place on earth, and even though we aren't 8 years old anymore we sure acted like it while at Disney.  Maybe part of the magic was watching the happiness in all the faces of the children we saw, knowing that one day we'd be watching the same amazement and wonder on our little boy's face.  We had one of our favorite days together while at Disney.  We cannot wait to take Baby Freaney one day.  

Of course had a wonderful time on the cruise, bad weather and all.  It's always great to spend time with family and make new memories!  It'll be that much more fun once we have our newest addition.

We crossed another thing off our to-do list today.  We ordered a chair for the nursery, all furniture has officially been purchased.  Vedder will be pleased to know that the chair we choose is not only very comfy (I have a feeling Baby will not be the only person sleeping in the chair...) but there is room for him when someone is sitting in the chair.  He sure is a snuggle bug and by all means, we can't leave him out! 

Tomorrow we will finally set out to register for my baby showers.  So if any of you seasoned moms have any advice on what to get and not to get, by all means!  Please share!  

I can finally understand what all my pregnant friends mean when they said that one day they woke up and popped.  I feel like in the matter of a few days I went from not looking too pregnant, to really looking pregnant.  There really is a baby in there!  

Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our trip.  

Maybe Baby Freaney will get a letter to go to Hogwarts?

It's so fluffyyyyyyy!

I think someone snuck into your bag Kev!

Waiting for fireworks at Epcot... 12 hours after we started our day.


Someone was happy we were home, and loves to share my body pillow.  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Furniture, doctor, and packing!  Oh My!

Things have been a bit hectic today at the Freaney Casa.  We were super excited to have the first round of furniture be delivered for Baby Freaney's room!  After much consideration, we decided to go with Restoration Hardware's nursery furniture.  Not only did we fall in love with the antique feel, we also decided to invest in furniture that this babe will be taking to college with him.  His crib is a 3 in 1, it goes from crib, to toddler bed to a full size headboard.  We purchased the matching nightstand, dresser and a dresser topper (a piece that fits onto the dresser perfectly for a changing table, but will come off and be a normal dresser once we're past poopy diapers.) Today the crib and the nightstand arrived.  Unfortunately the dresser and topper are not scheduled to arrive until late May, fingers crossed for an early delivery (furniture, not babe!)

"Is my brother in there?  That's a nice crate he has." 

Once the crib was set up, we had to hightail it to the doctor's office for our routine checkup.  This wasn't the fun doctor where we get to see baby.  We did hear baby's heart beat (152 beats per a minute, right on track) and I had my finger pricked to check my iron.  Being that I have a gag reflex when it comes to red meat, I'm low and had to be put on a prescription supplement.  Other than that, babe and I got a clean bill of health!

Baby's movements are beginning to be more noticeable, Kevin's even been able to feel a kick or two!  I thought at first that it was going to be really creepy to feel him move, but it's not in the slightest!  It's actually kind of fun.  I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in a couple months from now when there is a much large babe in there.

Tomorrow Kev and I leave for our last vacation before babe!  We're flying into Orlando, where we'll spend tomorrow at Universal and hang out with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  Valentine's Day will be spent in Disney World at the Magic Kingdom and finally on Friday we depart on a cruise to the Bahamas with Kevin's family.  We are super excited!

In the meantime, we hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day!  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Half Baked

Happy 20 weeks to Baby Freaney!

I'm officially half way done with my pregnancy, so with a glass half full attitude, today put us on the downward part of the slope in this journey.  I know there are times that I feel like I've been pregnant for 7970 years, but for the most part time is flying by!!!  We still have lots to do to prepare for this babe of ours, so we'll enjoy and use every minute of these last 20 weeks!

We went to the doctor yesterday and saw Baby Freaney! The doctor said that everything was absolutely perfect with our babe.  He was very wiggly during our visit, grabbing his feet, snuggling his hands under his face, and kicking up a storm!  We don't get to see baby again until our 30 week appointment, but we'll keep going to our regular OBGYN for a check of his heart beat and to have my fundal height measured.    

While I find it cool we can see so much of his face with this front view, I found it a bit weird too.  You can see on of his hands folded under his head.

Posing for the camera, what a little ham he is already!

Last weekend we hunkered down and painted the baby's room.  It was a rather large pain in the tush, but Kev really wanted to do this himself for his son.  The color turned out a bit darker than we would have wanted but we think with light furniture and a bright accent color in bedding and drapes, we'll make it appear lighter.  

A sneak peak of baby's room!

Today we went furniture shopping, I think we'll make a final decision tomorrow and finally buy our favorite.  We're talking big decisions here people!  Another thing checked off of our ever growing list of things to do!    

20 weeks and a growing bump!
As promised, a bump picture, which I don't particularly love taking and as you can tell by Kevin's stellar photography skills, he doesn't either.  

When can my brother come out and play?