Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fully Cooked

Alright Baby L, lets get this damn show on the road here.  We.  Are.  Ready.

I am officially 37 weeks pregnant, which means that this babe has been fully cooked and can make his grand debut at any time.  So, much to the constant nagging of my husband (who is the world's largest procrastinator might I add) my bags have been packed and we are ready to hit the road when the time comes.

I've been going to my biweekly doctor's appointments to monitor the babe's heart rate.  Everything has been checking out great, although last Tuesday he was refusing to cooperate and it took nearly an hour to get 15 minutes of usable data.  Apparently, he could not be bothered during nap time, thank you very much.  When we went today for our regular check up, he did the same thing when we were put on the stress test.  Right when we had a great heartbeat he got ticked and moved his tush elsewhere, away from the machine and once again we had to fiddle with it for a good 10 minutes before we found where he was hiding his heart.  He does realize that the sooner he comes, the less he has to deal with this doesn't he?

Due to the gestational diabetes we had to go back to the ultrasound doctor one last time to get a measurement on Baby L.  As of Thursday he was measuring a little over 7.5 pounds, which is over a pound more than the average babe should weigh at this point.  What a little chunker this babe of ours is!  The ultrasound tech said that she could see lots and lots of hair on this babe's head, which has peaked my curiosity more than ever as to what he will look like!

Dr. Stone (the ultrasound doc) was supposed to call my regular doctor and suggest that I am induced by week 39 due to the baby's weight.  He feels that if we are proactive with an induction we lower the chances of having a c-section, and it'll make for an easier delivery overall.  He was supposed to call on Thursday and talk to them about the induction but he apparently hasn't done that yet, so we're hoping to straighten this all out on Friday when I go in for another stress test.  If they decide to induce me his birthday will either be on the 14th or the 17th, depending on how many people are being induced on either of those days.  Which means A LOT of you will be knocked out for the running right away, with your mean and cruel late birthday guesses.  

A little side profile, he was drinking the amniotic fluid while we were doing the ultrasound, resulting in the fish lips you see here.  Or maybe he didn't feel like getting his picture taken and like his dad made a face in protest.

Along with our hospital bag packed this babes room is ready to welcome him home!  We have assembled every item, hung every last decoration, and put our loving touches on everything in that room!  I have to say I am quite fond of how it all turned out.  However, I am a bit biased.

Just the L still in the scrabble letters... not much longer until the name is finally reviled! 

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